Category: Prayers


“They make contributions out of their surplus, but she from her want has given what she could not afford – every penny she had to live on.” –Luke 21:4 Many people wish that the world would be saved in that war and violence would cease, babies and the elderly be protected from being murdered, marriages and families be holy, etc. Their wish is already granted. Jesus has saved us (see Ti 3:5). All we need do is apply Jesus’ saving death and resurrection to our world. We do this by believing in Him and expressing our faith by acts of...


“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, He will sit upon His royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before Him.” –Matthew 25:31-32 Over 2,500 years ago, Ezekiel prophesied: “As for you, my sheep, says the Lord God, I will judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats” (Ez 34:17). Jesus announced that it would be ultimately fulfilled at the end of the world when He comes again as the King of kings to judge the living and the dead (Mt 25:32). On that last day, Jesus...


Jesus “entered the temple and began ejecting the traders.” –Luke 19:45 Jesus has made it clear that He wants His temple purified (see also 1 Mc 4:36). Jesus commands us to be pure, even “as He is pure” (1 Jn 3:3). Jesus is purifying His Church “in the bath of water by the power of the word, to present to Himself a glorious church, holy and immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort” (Eph 5:26-27). “By obedience to the truth,” we can purify ourselves “for a genuine love” of our brothers and sisters (1 Pt 1:22). The...


“Sick with grief because his designs had failed, he took to his bed. There he remained many days, overwhelmed with sorrow, for he knew he was going to die.” –1 Maccabees 6:8-9 Before King Antiochus died, he looked back over his reign and observed: “I was kindly and beloved in my rule” (1 Mc 6:12). King Antiochus thought he was a “nice guy” and benevolent king although he: killed mothers with their babies hung from their necks (1 Mc 1:60-61), cut out the tongues of some of his opponents (2 Mc 7:4), scalped and cut off the hands and feet...


“God forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments.” –1 Maccabees 2:21 Mass Readings: November 23 First: Sirach 50:22-24; Resp: Psalm 138:1-5; Second: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 Listen to the Mass Readings How do we relate to the opposition in our daily life? What do we read? Who do we listen to? We are to kill the enemy, that is, the temptation within, by our zeal to obey God’s law and be purified, to cast out that which leads us away from the Lord (see 1 Mc 2:26). People “make a covenant with death” (Is 28:15)...