Category: Bible Study


“What are we to do?” –Luke 3:12 “The crowds asked [John the Baptizer], ‘What ought we to do?’ ” (Lk 3:10) Tax collectors asked John: “What are we to do?” (Lk 3:12) Soldiers likewise asked him: “What are we to do?” (see Lk 3:14) As we near Christ’s coming, we too ask: “What are we to do?” The Lord answers our question through the Church. Traditionally, today is called “Gaudete Sunday.” “Gaudete” is a Latin word meaning “rejoice.” What we are to do is to “shout for joy” and “sing joyfully” (Zep 3:14). We are to “rejoice in the Lord...


“Why do the scribes claim that Elijah must come first?” –Matthew 17:10 There are only fourteen more repenting days before Christmas. Of the many things we need to do before Christmas, repenting should be first on the list. However, repentance is difficult, even humanly impossible. Sin blinds us to sin (see 1 Jn 2:11). It hardens and paralyzes us, thus cutting us off from repentance. Therefore, we must turn to the Lord and ask Him to do the miracle of repentance in our lives so that we will not be trapped in our sins. When we pray for the grace...


“If you would hearken to My commandments, your prosperity would be like a river.” –Isaiah 48:18 Often the readings of Advent speak of an unimaginable richness and plenty. God is not a puny God; He is mighty and abundant. He is a God Who blesses and offers life to the full (Jn 10:10). God comes to give us freedom, love, the gifts of the Spirit, power, joy, and “every spiritual blessing in the heavens!” (Eph 1:3) There is undoubtedly a daily cross and a share of suffering to bear in following the Lord Jesus Christ (Lk 9:23; 1 Pt 4:1)....


“Fear not, O worm.” –Isaiah 41:14 The Israelites were in exile in Babylon. Among other miracles, they needed to go home; they had to walk hundreds of miles across a desert. They had no more chance than a worm or a maggot to cross that desert and climb its mountains (see Is 41:14). However, the Lord promised to take Israel’s weakness and make it as powerful (2 Cor 12:9) as a super-threshing sledge, which could crush and level mountains (Is 41:15). The Lord promises to take our fallen human nature and make us adopted children of God. “God chose those...


“We were predestined to praise His glory by being the first to hope in Christ.” –Ephesians 1:12 Imagine how Adam and Eve felt after the first sin. For the first time, they were afraid, ashamed, and confused (Gn 3:10). They had never before experienced pain, sorrow, or death. The first death they experienced was the murder of their son Abel (Gn 4:8). How traumatized they must have felt! All they had to hold onto was God’s promise that the woman’s offspring would strike at the serpent’s head and ultimately be victorious (Gn 3:15). This was a glimmer of hope on...