Category: Bible Study


“Why has the Lord permitted us to be defeated today?” –1 Samuel 4:3 The Israelites lost a battle against the Philistines. Four thousand soldiers were killed (1 Sm 4:2). “The elders of Israel said, ‘Why has the Lord permitted us to be defeated today by the Philistines?’ ” (1 Sm 4:3) Then instead of waiting for God’s answer, they went into battle again. “It was a disastrous defeat, in which Israel lost thirty thousand foot soldiers” (1 Sm 4:10). Bad things happen to all of us throughout our lives. Naturally, we ask the Lord, “Why?” Naturally, we often go on...


“Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.” –Mark 1:38, RSV-CE In some translations, the text of Mark 1:38 reads “For this purpose have I come” (see Mk 1:38, RNAB). The Greek text for the word translated “come” has the meaning “come out.” After a powerful day of miracles and preaching, Jesus rose early the next morning to go to a “lonely place in the desert” to pray in communion with His heavenly Father (Mk 1:35). It is from this place of deep communion with the Father...


“Have You come to destroy us?” –Mark 1:24 The demons spoke to Jesus through the mouth of the possessed demoniac, saying “Have You come to destroy us?” (Mk 1:24) The answer to that question is “Yes.” “It was to destroy the devil’s works that the Son of God revealed Himself” (1 Jn 3:8). Jesus is gentle and humble of heart with sinful human beings (see Mt 11:28-30; 12:19-20). However, Jesus is not gentle with the strongholds of the evil one. He casts out demons and destroys the works of Satan’s kingdom of darkness with power and authority (see Mk 1:27)....


“Hannah, why do you weep, and why do you refuse to eat?” –1 Samuel 1:8 In 2021, did you bear abundant fruit for Jesus? (see Jn 15:5) How many did you lead to new birth and new life in Jesus? Jesus has called us to be fishers of men and women (Mk 1:17), to work in His harvest (Mt 9:37), to do anything we can to win over as many as possible to Himself (1 Cor 9:19). Are you fruitful like Mary or barren like Hannah? If we have been barren and have not birthed many people into God’s kingdom,...


“You are My Beloved…” –Luke 3:22 On the last day of Christmas, my true Love, Jesus, gave to me a deeper life in the Spirit. On the last day of Christmas, my true Love, the Holy Spirit, cried out in my heart “Abba” (“Father”) (Gal 4:6). On the last day of Christmas, my true Love, Jesus, revealed God the Father to me in a new way (Lk 10:22) and gave me an even deeper life in the Spirit (Jn 14:16). On the last day of Christmas, I was caught in the crossfire of the Trinity’s love. The Father spoke; Jesus...