Category: Bible Study


“Uriah the Hittite died.” —2 Samuel 11:17 God’s just law prescribed “life for life” (Ex 21:23), that is, David’s death in punishment for arranging Uriah’s death. However, God is “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4). Therefore, God mercifully told David that He forgave his sin and promised that David would not die (2 Sm 12:13). Later, God restored David’s happiness and blessed him abundantly. This is great news for all sinners, especially for those who have committed sexual sins. Yet where is the mercy and justice for Uriah and for those like him who innocently suffer the consequences of the sins...


“In the measure you give you shall receive, and more besides.” —Mark 4:24 If we hear God’s Word and accept it, we will bear fruit thirty and sixty and a hundredfold (Mk 4:20). Why do some Christians bear great fruit while others produce little fruit? God gives each of us different mission fields, which produce different yields. God gives us different charisms, supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, which can significantly increase our yield (1 Cor 12:4ff). Some Christians put the lamp of God’s Word (see Ps 119:105) on taller lampstands so as to give light to all. Lampstands are...


“To you the mystery of the reign of God has been confided.” —Mark 4:11 Throughout the history of the Church, the Holy Spirit has made many Christians holy by leading them to pray the Mass frequently or daily. However, when daily communicants didn’t appear that holy, the practice of daily Mass waned, and the Church weakened. Many of you reading this book pray the Mass daily or at least frequently. If your holy Masses make you holy, the practice of daily Mass will grow, and the Church will become stronger. If, however, you are not holy, a de-emphasis of daily...


“The ark of the Lord was brought in and set in its place within the tent David had pitched for it. Then David offered holocausts and peace offerings before the Lord. When he finished making these offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord of hosts.” —2 Samuel 6:17-18 When David brought the ark of God into Jerusalem, the people were blessed, and they continued to live in this best of blessings, for the Lord was in their midst in the most special way. In the new covenant, we have the fulfillment of the ark of God...


David “reigned for forty years: seven years and six months in Hebron over Judah, and thirty-three years in Jerusalem over all Israel and Judah.” —2 Samuel 5:4-5 David took his kingship to a higher level when he moved from Hebron to Jerusalem. He was told that it was impossible to reach that level, but he did the impossible (2 Sm 5:6-7). Then he “grew steadily more powerful, for the Lord of hosts was with him” (2 Sm 5:10). The Lord wants to take your good marriage and turn it into a great one. You don’t know how that’s possible. Just...