Category: Bible Study


“They took him and threw him into the cistern, which was empty and dry. Then they sat down to their meal.” —Genesis 37:24-25 The hardness of the human heart is fully portrayed in today’s readings. The brothers of Joseph moved quickly and easily from cold-blooded plotting of their brother’s death, to throwing him in the cistern to die, to sitting down to eat their dinner. It’s no different today, as an abortionist and his attendants can murder multiple babies in a day’s work, and then head out to a restaurant to enjoy their supper. Sadly, this even happens in the...


“I, the Lord, alone probe the mind and test the heart.” —Jeremiah 17:10 I have just returned from a vacation in the rocky desert of the American Southwest. Fantastic rock formations there have been eroded by rushing waters over time. The waters of these streams and rivers continually probe the rock for the weak spots, and flow downhill following the path of least resistance in the rock. This relentless probing by the waters eventually erodes the rock, cutting away slabs of rock and wearing it down piece by piece. In a similar way, the relentless love of the Lord continually...


March 2020 | Bible Quiz – 63 – [ in English ] in Tamil ] “Such is the case with the Son of Man Who has come, not to be served by others, but to serve, to give His own life as a ransom for the many.” —Matthew 20:28 Jesus asked James, John, and their mother: ” ‘Can you drink of the cup I am to drink of?’ ‘We can,’ they said” (Mt 20:22). They did not understand what cup Jesus was referring to, but they assumed they could drink it. James did eventually drink of the cup of martyrdom (Acts 12:2) and John...


“Pardon, and you shall be pardoned.” —Luke 6:37 Many wise men and women throughout history have come to the logical conclusion that we must mercifully forgive those who have sinned against us. Without forgiveness, there is vengeance and the inevitable escalation of conflict to the point of destroying the weaker party in the conflict. Without forgiveness, the family and/or ethnic group of the vanquished party wait for years, even decades, to build up the strength or have the opportunity to retaliate. In effect, we forgive or we breed terrorism. “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” We humans don’t...


“This is My beloved Son on Whom My favor rests. Listen to Him.” —Matthew 17:5 Abram (Abraham) is the father of many nations (see Gn 12:2-3). He was and continues to be a blessing to the Jewish people, Muslims, and Christians. Yet as great as Abraham is, “the least born into the kingdom of God is greater than he” (Mt 11:11). As sons and daughters of God the Father, we Christians are called to the greatest of greatness. We fulfill our amazing potential only by listening to Jesus (Mt 17:5). He alone is the Truth of our lives and the...