Category: Bible Study


“When Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralytic, ‘Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven.’ ” –Matthew 9:2 When Jesus forgave the paralytic’s sins, He claimed to do something only God can do. Thus, He claimed to be God. The only possible responses to this were to charge Jesus with blasphemy (Mt 9:3) or to worship Him as God. Jesus repeatedly claimed to be God when He claimed to be the Lord of the Sabbath (Mt 12:8), the Son of God (see Jn 5:18), and the great I AM (Jn 8:24, 28, 58). Jesus is the Word made...


“She said to herself, ‘Let me not watch to see the child die.’ As she sat opposite him, he began to cry.” –Genesis 21:16-17 When children cry, they may be praying. The Lord hears the cry of the poor, especially poor little children. In response to children crying, the Lord sends the guardian angels of these children to deal with the problem. He sends angels to take custody of our lives (Bar 6:6). These guardian angels are not fat little babies themselves, as artists have often pictured them. Guardian angels are mighty creatures not to be trifled with (see Rv...


” ‘You are the Messiah,’ Simon Peter answered, ‘the Son of the living God!’ ” ––Matthew 16:16 How did Jesus intend to hand on the faith to future generations? Let’s look at the words of our Lord to St. Peter in today’s Gospel. “I for My part declare to you, you are ‘Rock,’ and on this rock I will build My church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you declare loosed on...


“Will You sweep away the innocent with the guilty?” –Genesis 18:23 The Lord is extremely merciful to the guilty (Ps 103:10). He is rich in mercy and slow to anger (Eph 2:4; Ps 103:8). God showers the warming sun and healing rain on the innocent and the guilty alike (Mt 5:45). To those caught red-handed in their guilt, the Lord says: “Nor do I condemn you. You may go. But from now on, avoid this sin” (Jn 8:11). Jesus, the truly innocent One, Who is without sin and carries no personal guilt, comes as the spotless Lamb of God, freely...


“Abraham prostrated himself and laughed as he said to himself, ‘Can a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Or can Sarah give birth at ninety?’ ” –Genesis 17:17 Abraham and Sarah laughed at jokes God didn’t even tell (Gn 18:12). We often laugh when God is serious. God is serious about fulfilling His promises. He’s serious about healing the leprous (Mt 8:3) and those incurable by medical standards. Many times doctors and Christians have laughed at God before He healed the terminally ill or even raised the dead (Mt 10:8). The Lord is also...