Category: Bible Reading & Meditation


“When you see these things happening, you will know that He is near, even at the door.” –Mark 13:29 Immediately before the end of the world, we will have “trials of every sort” (Mk 13:24). “It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time” (Dn 12:1). “Indeed, had the Lord not shortened the period, not a person would be saved. But for the sake of those He has chosen, He has shortened the days” (Mk 13:20). We will see a mass apostasy from our Christian faith, as the “man of lawlessness,” the Anti-Christ, is revealed...


“I tell you, He will give them swift justice.” –Luke 18:8 There’s a certain kind of prayer that results in “swift justice.” God will not delay long over us when we pray in this way (Lk 18:7). In this way of prayer, we call out to God “day and night” (Lk 18:7) and realize that at all times, even at the best of times, we are in desperate need of God. In this prayer, we cry out: “Save us by Your power, and help me, who am alone and have no one but You, O Lord” (Est C:25). We pray...

Your Will be Done

“Yet not My will, but yours be done” Luke 22:42 Many things come our way in life – unexpected disappointments and trials – and often we cannot see any reason for them. But whether they are major or minor problems, we need to handle them all. The Lord’s love for us is endlessly tender and encouraging. He wants us to trust where we cannot see, and it will not be reckless leap in the dark, as sincere trust and faith says “I know for certain that God’s will is best for me.” This kind of faith leaves the choice up...


“It will be like that on the day the Son of Man is revealed.” –Luke 17:30 The end of the world will be like the time of Noah insofar as most people will be oblivious to their imminent destruction (Lk 17:27; see also Lk 17:28-29). The end of the world will not only be surprising but quick. There will be no time to do anything at the last minute (Lk 17:31). The only way to be ready for the end of the world and for Jesus’ final coming is to lose our lives for love of Jesus (Lk 17:33). We...


“Passing into holy souls from age to age, [Wisdom] produces friends of God and prophets. For there is nought God loves, be it not one who dwells with Wisdom.” –Wisdom 7:27-28 To be “friends of God and prophets,” we must be wise (Wis 7:27). To live in God’s love (Jn 15:10), we must be wise (Wis 7:28). To defeat wickedness rather than be defeated by it, we must be wise (Wis 7:30). Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah and His people would have “a spirit of wisdom” (Is 11:2). Christ crucified is “the power of God and the wisdom of God”...