Category: Bible Reading & Meditation

I Know for Certain

“He will never leave you nor forsake you. ” Deuteronomy 31:6 It is important to have someone you can rely on and turn to in times of trouble. Yet sometimes even the closest friends can disappoint you. Our Lord and Master will never let us down, however. If you need comfort, the Lord will comfort you. If you need guidance, the Lord will guide you. If you need inspiration for difficult task, the Lord will inspire you. If the road ahead of you seems to be strewn with problems, concerns and troubles, then ask the Lord to help you and...


“Mary set out, proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, where she entered Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.” –Luke 1:39-40 When Mary visited Elizabeth, both Elizabeth and her baby were filled with the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:41). Then Mary proclaimed the greatness of the Lord (Lk 1:46) and announced a spiritual revolution in which the mighty would be deposed and replaced with the lowly (Lk 1:52). When Mary visited the area now called Mexico City, eight million people were converted to Jesus in seven years. This launched a spiritual revolution which put an end to...


“If you would hearken to My commandments, your prosperity would be like a river, and your vindication like the waves of the sea.” –Isaiah 48:18 Christmas, like life, is a matter of obedience. If we obey the Lord’s commands, we will become prosperous, vindicated, blessed, and assured this Christmas (Is 48:18-19). However, we are often like rebellious, disobedient children who want to give orders rather than take them (Mt 11:16-17). We must repent of this self-willed, disobedient attitude or we will deprive ourselves of Christmas and even of Christ. At the first Christmas, the Lord gave His commands to Mary...


“I am the Lord, your God, Who grasp your right hand.” –Isaiah 41:13 As long as the great I AM is Lord of your life, you have no reason to fear the storms of life (Is 41:13-14). Even if you feel as weak and worthless as a worm or maggot, the great I AM can make you so powerful that you will crush mountains (Is 41:14-15). If you submit your “I” to the I AM, He will open up rivers and springs in the desert to remove your afflictions and provide for your needs (Is 41:17-18). The desert of the...


“Take My yoke upon your shoulders and learn from Me.” –Matthew 11:29 Because God doesn’t grow weary (Is 40:28), and because we belong to God (Rm 14:7-8) and abide in God (Jn 15:4), His Word assures us that we won’t grow weary when we do His will (Is 40:29). God gives us strength as we bear the burden we are meant to bear, which is His yoke (Mt 11:29). The strength we need, and the rest we need, comes as we do His will. Jesus came to remove the oppressive yoke of our sins, which burdens and weighs us down....