“Jesus,” reclining, “grew deeply troubled.” –John 13:21 Mass Readings: April 11 First: Acts 5:27-32,40-41;Resp: Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13; Second: Revelation 5:11-14; Gospel: John 21:1-19 During Holy Week, we recall a week of extreme suffering, pain, and trauma for Jesus. As we reflect on Jesus’ sufferings, we too may be having an extremely difficult week. As we look at our lives, we may feel we have “toiled in vain, and for nothing, uselessly, spent” our strength (Is 49:4). Like Jesus, we may grow “deeply troubled” (Jn 13:21). We are tempted to let Satan enter our hearts (see Jn 13:27), or we are broken-hearted...