Category: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Of this much I assure you: until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter, shall be done away with until it all comes true.” –Matthew 5:18 Most of you reading this book love the Bible and believe it is the Word of God (1 Thes 2:13). Therefore, you wish to know the Bible to better live it. Nevertheless, you may not be reading the Bible daily (see Acts 17:11) or going out of your way to study it intently in detail. However, Jesus may be calling you to...


“There is only a handful of flour in my jar.” —1 Kings 17:12 Food was running out for the widow of Zarephath. She knew she had only one meal left before she and her son died of hunger. Hoping against hope (Rm 4:18), she believed God’s promises through the prophet Elijah, and saw the Lord multiply her food for a year (1 Kgs 17:16). Time was running out for Moses’ mother. She knew her baby boy had only moments left to live before he would be found and murdered. Hoping against hope, she prolonged the inevitable by placing her baby...


“There is only a handful of flour in my jar.” —1 Kings 17:12 Food was running out for the widow of Zarephath. She knew she had only one meal left before she and her son died of hunger. Hoping against hope (Rm 4:18), she believed God’s promises through the prophet Elijah, and saw the Lord multiply her food for a year (1 Kgs 17:16). Time was running out for Moses’ mother. She knew her baby boy had only moments left to live before he would be found and murdered. Hoping against hope, she prolonged the inevitable by placing her baby...


“How blest are…” –Matthew 5:3 The Beatitudes are eight circumstances in which we receive exceptional blessings. The Beatitudes are keys to living a life of blessing and of being a blessing (see Gn 12:2). Consequently, we may surmise that people would strongly desire to live the Beatitudes. Yet this is not the case. Part of the problem is that few people know how great blessings are, because they do not understand well the meaning of blessings. Many people think that blessings are prayers for good things to happen. No, blessings are not prayers from us to God, but blessings are...


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all!” —2 Corinthians 13:13 When God revealed to Moses that His name was “Lord” and that He was “a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity” (Ex 34:6), “Moses at once bowed down to the ground in worship” (Ex 34:8). Moses immediately knew that when God gives greater revelation of Who He is, this is an event of great significance. There are 3 R’s in life: revelation, relationship, and responsibility. When the...