“They walked in the hardness of their evil hearts and turned their backs, not their faces, to Me.” –Jeremiah 7:24

Mass Readings: March 23
First: Isaiah 49:1-6;Resp: Psalm 71:1-6,15,17;Gospel: John 13:21-33,36-38

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The prophet Jeremiah has described for us the physiology of sinners. In our sinful rebellion against the Lord, we harden our hearts, turn our backs to God, turn away our faces from God, and stiffen our necks (Jer 7:26). If we don’t repent, the parts of our bodies become even more distorted and perverted. For example, the sinners who martyred Stephen were “stung to the heart,” grinding their teeth, “shouting aloud,” and “holding their hands over their ears” (Acts 7:54, 57).

This Lent and this Easter, look into the mirror of God’s Word (see Jas 1:23). Look at your spiritual appearance. Is your face radiant? Are your feet beautiful? (Is 52:7) Is your forehead imprinted with the seal of the Lamb of God? (Rv 7:3) Do you have praying hands, lips without deceit (see Is 33:15), and a clean heart? (Ps 51:12) Is each part of your body a weapon for justice or for evil? (Rm 6:13) Repent. Be beautiful.

PRAYER: Father, may my body always look like a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19).
PROMISE: “If it is by the finger of God that I cast out devils, then the reign of God is upon you.” –Lk 11:20
PRAISE: St. Toribio, a law professor, became a bishop in Spain and a missionary to Native Americans

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