S. No Praises Verses 401 Christ the righteous advocate 1Jn 2:1 402 Christ who strengthens me Phil 4:13 403 Jesus of Nazareth Mk 1:24 404 Christ our intercessor 1Jn 2:1 405 Wonderful God Isa 9:6 406 He who alone does great wonders Ps 136:4 407 He who calls us “My Friends” Lk 12:4 408 Friend of sinners Lk 7:34 409 He who separate from sinners Heb 7:26 410 Hw who justifies the ungodly Rom 4:5 411 The opened fountain Zech 13:1 412 For the blood without blemish 1Pet 1:19 413 For Your spotless blood 1Pet 1:19 414 For the precious...
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S. No Praises Verses 301 You are like a gazelle of a young stag Song 2:9 302 You are loved by virgins Song 1:3 303 You are loved by the righteous Song 1:4 304 Beloved Son Matt 3:17 305 Loving Son Colo 1:13 306 Son of the Most High God Mk 5:7 307 Christ – the Son of the Blessed Mk 14:61 308 Son of man Lk 21:36 309 Son who has been made perfect forever Heb 7:28 310 He who is called Son of David Matt 20:30 311 God who never fails in His promises Matt 20:30 312 Christ,...
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S. No Praises Verses 201 For Your name “JESUS” Matt 1:21 202 For Your name “IMMANUEL” Matt 1:23 203 For Your name “THE WORD OF GOD” Rev 19:13 204 For Your name which is exalted Isa 12:4 205 Your name is pleasant Ps 135:3 206 Your name is ointment poured forth Song 1:3 207 Holy and terrible is Your name Ps 111:9 208 Your name is great in might O Lord Jer 10:6 209 For Your glorious name Ps 72:19 210 For Your great name’s sake 1Sam 12:22 211 Your name is above every name Phil 2:9 212 Blessed be...
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S. No Praises Verses 101 God who calls us by name Isa 45:4 102 God who calls into existence the things that do not exist Rom 4:17 103 God who never lies Heb 6:18 104 Truly You are God who hides Yourself Isa 45:15 105 God who has made His light shine upon us Ps 118:27 106 God who shines forth out of Zion Ps 50:2 107 God God who speaks in His Holiness Ps 60:6 108 God who reigns for ever to all generations Ps 146:10 109 God who is good to those who are pure in heart Ps...
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S. No Praises Verses 1 Abba Father Rom 8:15 2 Loving Father 1Jn 3:1 3 Everlasting Father Isaiah 9:6 4 Heavenly Father Matt 5:48 5 Father of Spirits Heb 12:9 6 Father of lights Jam 1:17 7 Father of Mercies 2 Cor 1:3 8 Father of glory Eph 1:17 9 Father who created me Deu 32:6 10 Father who made me Deu 32:6 11 Father who established me Deu 32:6 12 My Father Matt 6:18 13 One Father of all Mal 2:10 14 Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Cor 1:3 15 Righteous Father Jn 17:25 16 Father who...
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