Today, we pray for widows, orphans and single parent families

Lord Jesus, today we pray for some of the ignored in our society – the widows, widowers, orphans and single parents. We pray that You will be the absent spouse, friend, mother and father for them all. May Your love surround them when they are at their lowest. May Your Holy Spirit give them inner strength, courage and joy. May angels be at their service when they need them. Bless their families and friends too mightily, Lord. Forgive the ones who reject them and cause them suffering. Amen.

My Holy Bible

At times when I feel oh so low I clutch my bible near At times when I feel oh so scared My bible is so dear And then there’s times when I am glad And my bible shouts with praise But regardless of the way I feel I will read it all my days For it to me was given By my Lord who waits above It is filled with all his Holiness His might and special love Through Saints I see his precious face And feel His arms of love But face to face I will see my Lord...

To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. – 5th June 2013

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DKPTdlpHQY Grief-stricken in spirit, I, Tobit, groaned and wept aloud. Then with sobs I began to pray: “You are righteous, O Lord, and all your deeds are just; All your ways are mercy and truth; you are the judge of the world. And now, O Lord, may you be mindful of me, and look with favor upon me. Punish me not for my sins, nor for my inadvertent offenses, nor for those of my ancestors. “We sinned against you, and disobeyed your commandments. So you handed us over to plundering, exile, and death, till you made us the talk and...

Today, we pray for inner healing

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our wounds. O God who healed the sick, have mercy on us all. May Your love that surpasses all human understanding fill us, cleanse us and strengthen us. Remove from each one of us any deep inner wounds which we got right from the time we were conceived, up to today. We pray that we can forgive and forget completely by Your grace. Help heal the ones we have wounded too. Amen.