Lord You Are All Powerful

Lord You are all powerful, Almighty God are You You generate the energy To see the believer through By Your Holy Spirit Indwelling us down here We’ve no cause for worry Nor any cause for fear You have triumphed mightily Over sin, death, and hell. All the ransomed hosts now sing With our soul ’tis well Though satan seeks to devour us In our walk each day We can have the Victory For Lord, You are our Stay For greater is He that’s within us Than he that is in the world With our shield of faith Deflecting darts that...

கர்த்தர் துஷ்டரின் தண்டாயுதத்தையும், அரசாண்டவர்களின் செங்கோலையும் முறித்துப்போட்டார். ஏசாயா 14:5

October 11, 2013

Reading 1 : JL 1:13-15; 2:1-2 Gird yourselves and weep, O priests! wail, O ministers of the altar! Come, spend the night in sackcloth, O ministers of my God! The house of your God is deprived of offering and libation. Proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the elders, all who dwell in the land, Into the house of the LORD, your God, and cry to the LORD! Alas, the day! for near is the day of the LORD, and it comes as ruin from the Almighty. Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound the alarm on my holy mountain! Let...

He Still Cares

I use to work at the Post Office on a rural route here in N.E. Tennessee. One day early in the morning as I started off for work I noticed that my car I delivered mail in was having grinding noises in the front end. I thought it sounded like a c.v. joint but was not sure. The problem became so bad that I thought at one point that I would not make it to work, much less on a route in the country. The steering was shaking badly, and when I got to work I tried to call the...