Today, we pray for those who want to give up

Lord Jesus, we bring to You those who have really reached the end of their tether. For those of us who want to give up on our faith, church-going, family life, relationships, work, friendships, ministry and any other task entrusted to us. We lift each one of us today to Your Presence in a special way, for that anointing and grace which only You can give. Send us angels to help us, Lord. When we face harsh judgement, loneliness, illness and rejection, let us know that its not from You, but from Your creations or the evil one. Help us...

எசாயா 26:3

அவர்கள் மனஉறுதி கொண்டவர்கள்: உம்மீது நம்பிக்கை உடையவர்கள்: அவர்களை அமைதியால் நீர் உறுதிப்படுத்துகின்றீர். எசாயா 26:3

Let my prayer come like incense before you. 1st March 2014

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV61hT_hNt8 – Beloved: Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing a song of praise. Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of...

Today, we pray for random acts of love

Lord Jesus, we pass people every day who need a demonstration of Your love – friends, family, strangers – both in and out of our inner circle. May we search for ways to show extravagant gestures of gracious love, and outlandish acts of kindness. Make us people who set a goal of doing daily deeds for which we cannot be repaid but in heaven. Set our hearts on fire for people who do not know You. Precious Savior, consume us with compassion for the desperate and downtrodden. Let us pour our lives out in Your kind of love.