The Lord has established his throne in heaven. 6th June 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUFNSj_qyb0 Reading 1 acts 25:13b-21 King Agrippa and Bernice arrived in Caesarea on a visit to Festus. Since they spent several days there, Festus referred Paul’s case to the king, saying, “There is a man here left in custody by Felix. When I was in Jerusalem the chief priests and the elders of the Jews brought charges against him and demanded his condemnation. I answered them that it was not Roman practice to hand over an accused person before he has faced his accusers and had the opportunity to defend himself against their charge. So when they came together here,...

A prayer for Teachers and Students

We fall before YOU, Almighty God Creator of the Earth and the Heavens The Source of ALL knowledge Praying that our search for knowledge leads closer to YOU. As You guide us on the Path, surely YOU protect our minds and hearts; Open us to that which is good, and seal us with YOUR Divine LOVE. Keep us determined, and on the Straight Path; Strengthen us, so that we may endure. Keep us focused on YOU, That we may have success in all we do, And that that in all we do, We may glorify YOU.

Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope. Alleluia 5th June 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZkEzKpPVRg Reading 1 acts 22:30; 23:6-11 Wishing to determine the truth about why Paul was being accused by the Jews, the commander freed him and ordered the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin to convene. Then he brought Paul down and made him stand before them. Paul was aware that some were Sadducees and some Pharisees, so he called out before the Sanhedrin, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees; I am on trial for hope in the resurrection of the dead.” When he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the...

The Seven Deadly Sins

We should not be satisfied merely to keep the commandments of God, but should always be ready to do good deeds, even when they are not commanded. The commandments of God state the minimum requirements for salvation. They should be kept not merely according to the letter, but also according to the spirit, which obliges us to strive for greater perfection. Actual sin is any willful thought, desire, word, action or ommission forbidden by the law of God. PRIDE : Unrestrained appreciation of our own worth. GREED : Immoderate desire for earthly goods. LUST : Hankering for impure pleasures. ANGER : Inordinate desire for...

Daily Prayer Intentions

O my God! I offer you all my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the following intentions: Sunday To obtain a true spirit of zeal, religion, and piety. For the success of priests’ work, and the spiritual welfare of those entrusted to their care. Monday Spirit of meekness and humility. Souls in purgatory, and Religious communities. Tuesday Spirit of Faith. Relatives, friends, and benefactors. Wednesday Spirit of Charity. The sick, dying, suffering, poor, and those who care for them. Thursday Love of the...