Remember this, you who never think of God. 30th June 2014

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQyyfgN9cJc Reading 1 am 2:6-10, 13-16 Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke my word; Because they sell the just man for silver, and the poor man for a pair of sandals. They trample the heads of the weak into the dust of the earth, and force the lowly out of the way. Son and father go to the same prostitute, profaning my holy name. Upon garments taken in pledge they recline beside any altar; And the wine of those who have been fined they drink in the house of their...

Today, we pray for the misunderstood

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You those of us who are suffering today because of silly misunderstandings. We pray that Your love penetrates into our very souls and heals the wounds which run deep. May we believers learn to rebuke the devil and stay away from his tactics. May our relationships be blessed more and more. Break Satan’s web of lies and strife, especially between ministers, family and friends, Lord Jesus. May rifts be healed and let love surpass everything. Amen.

Today, we pray for those of us struggling to pray

Lord Jesus, today we entrust to Your Sacred Heart, each person around the world who is struggling to pray. Whether we are unable to pray because of a lack of time or a lack of spiritual intimacy with You, may Your one touch heal us all. Fill us with peace from You, Father God. May we never give up when our emotions or circumstances lie to us that You are not present. May Your angels surround us and nudge us back to You. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, we pray for inner healing

Lord Jesus. today we bring to You our wounds. Oh God who healed the sick, have mercy on us all. May Your love that surpasses all human understanding – fill us, cleanse us and strengthen us. Remove from each one of us any deep inner wounds which we got right from the time we were conceived, up to this day. We pray that we can forgive and forget, and help heal the ones we have wounded too. Cover us, Lord Jesus, and our own, with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

The Lord’s kindness is everlasting to those who fear him. 27th June’14

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQGmXdsp1-Q -Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Lectionary: 170 Reading 1 dt 7:6-11 Moses said to the people: “You are a people sacred to the LORD, your God; he has chosen you from all the nations on the face of the earth to be a people peculiarly his own. It was not because you are the largest of all nations that the LORD set his heart on you and chose you, for you are really the smallest of all nations. It was because the LORD loved you and because of his fidelity to the oath he had sworn your...