“From John the Baptizer’s time until now the kingdom of God has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.” –Matthew 11:12 How do the violent take God’s kingdom by force? During Jesus’ time on earth, a group called the Zealots believed they would take God’s kingdom by force by waging guerilla warfare against the Romans. Jesus rejected this approach, for His kingdom is not of this world (Jn 18:36). Throughout the history of the Church, some holy people interpreted and applied Matthew 11:12 by doing violence to themselves through harsh physical penances. While there is some value to...
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to the foot of Your cross all those are putting up a show of piety. Lord, when You walked the earth, You hated hypocrisy and called it the yeast of the Pharisees. We pray that You cleanse Your church and its people of any trace of power abuse, hypocrisy, deception and lies. Tear down the walls of evil. Make us know that the punishment for deceivers will be great from a God who abhors any kind of deceit. Let true repentance happen and let us not make a mockery of our faith. Amen.
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“To whom can you liken Me as an equal? says the Holy One.” –Isaiah 40:25 No one equals God in anything. Consider God’s strength; He is unequaled in strength. Almighty God is so strong that He made and sustains the millions of stars which span light-years in space (Is 40:26). Almighty God is willing to share His unlimited strength with us. “He gives strength to the fainting; for the weak He makes vigor abound” (Is 40:29). When God strengthens old or weak people, they can outrun, outwork, and outlast young folks. Those who let God renew their strength “will soar...
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Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who deny the presence of You, our living God. May Your Holy Spirit convict them and bring them to repentance. We pray that every year they have lost will be regained for Your glory. Open the eyes of their souls that they may really see You. Let us Christians be used as instruments to bring the lost back into the fold. Keep us from losing the faith too. Amen.
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“Comfort, give comfort to My people, says your God.” –Isaiah 40:1 The Lord commanded His heavenly court to give comfort to His people on earth. This “comfort” does not mean feeling good and indulging in “creature comforts,” but being freed from slavery to a pleasure-seeking lifestyle (see Is 40:2). God’s comfort is not an exterior gratification of the senses but an interior freedom from sin and guilt (Is 40:2). An angel obeyed God’s command to comfort His people by crying out: “Earthquake!” (That is probably what is meant by the reference to filling in the valleys and laying low the...
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