“The heavens and the earth will pass away, but My words will not pass.” –Luke 21:33

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In the USA, the day after Thanksgiving is known as “Black Friday,” and is one of the busiest shopping days of the entire year. Consumers flock to shopping malls in great throngs, looking for the best deals, hurrying from store to store to buy Christmas gifts for everyone on their list. At times the Black Friday atmosphere is so intense that people get manhandled in the frenzied rush to buy. However, the consumeristic secular culture is a “beast” (see Dn 7:7) which continually devours people who might otherwise prepare their hearts for Jesus during the time of Advent.

For Christians, every Friday is a reminder of Good Friday, the day when Jesus was crucified, bled, and died for our salvation. Jesus gave His life so that we may have life; He Who did not know sin took on the punishment of our sins so we could take on the holiness of God (2 Cor 5:21).

Shopping malls and “holiday” parties will pass away, as well as the earth, stars, and sky, but Jesus’ words will never pass away (Lk 21:33). “Why spend your money” for what will not last, “your wages for what fails to satisfy?” (Is 55:2) “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Rm 12:2). Let Jesus transfer you from Black Friday to Good Friday. Spend your time on what will not pass away.

PRAYER: Father, I know I cannot be attentive both to the things of this world and to You (Mt 6:24). Help me to choose Jesus today.

PROMISE: “Know that the reign of God is near.” –Lk 21:31

PRAISE: Jane experienced a profound renewal of the Holy Spirit when she began attending daily Mass.

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