“Be fertile, then, and multiply; abound on earth and subdue it.” –Genesis 9:7; see also Genesis 9:1

The first recorded words from God to humanity are: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gn 1:28). To make sure that humanity got the message, God repeated it two more times (Gn 9:1, 7). Sin then took advantage of humanity’s fertility to transmit a fallen nature to every human being. Likewise, when our fertility seems to multiply our problems, many of us respond with birth control. We reason that less people means less problems for us who already have too many problems. However, the Lord responds to the multiplication of our problems not by shutting down our fertility, but by dealing with our real problem, sin. For example, the Lord tried to deal with our sinfulness through Noah’s flood, while continuing to command us to be fertile and multiply.

We don’t need birth control, but sin control. We don’t even need temporary birth control while we delay dealing with our sins. This is only another excuse to put off repenting. We must repent of our sins now and go to Confession. We treasure God’s Word in our hearts that we may not sin (Ps 119:11). The only way to save our lives is to give our lives totally to the Lord (Mt 16:25). Then our fertility will be used to fill the earth with the Lord’s love and life as we make disciples of all the nations (see Mt 28:19). Be fertile and multiply; repent of sins and fill the earth.

PRAYER: Father, give many Christian couples the blessing of having healthy, large families.
PROMISE: “You are the Messiah!” –Mk 8:29
PRAISE: George got a vasectomy twice and finally reversed it for good.

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