“I will do to you just what I have heard you say.” –Numbers 14:28
Mass Readings: August 9
First: Numbers 13:1-2,25–14:1,26-29,34-35; Resp: Psalm 106:6-7,13-14,21-23; Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28
Listen to the Mass Readings
Audio PlayerTwelve Israelite scouts walked around in the promised land. Ten saw disaster and sowed “discouraging reports among the Israelites” (Nm 13:32); two saw God’s hand poised to bless His people with swift entrance into the promised land, and these two scouts sowed faith and confidence (Nm 14:6ff). The people listened to the majority and died outside of the promised land.
Pope St. John Paul II has prophesied that God plans to begin a worldwide freedom from the economics of debt and bring about a new springtime for Christianity (see Toward the Third Millennium, John Paul II, 51). Many doubt that any worldwide change at all is possible. What they see is the overwhelming power of the forces of society and government to negate any plans God may have.
People of God, open your eyes that you may see! (2 Kgs 6:17ff) When God’s people are at a crossroads, God’s pattern is to reveal His plan for complete deliverance to His prophets (see Am 3:7), such as the Pope. Throughout history, His prophets faithfully reveal the plan, and generally the people reject it, fearing disaster. But the disaster they fear winds up being the exact punishment they receive (Nm 14:28). When people reject prophecy, they don’t simply miss out on a great blessing; they actually “oppose” God (Nm 14:34).
“The measure with which you measure will be used to measure you” (Mt 7:2). If you believe in God and work with Him, you get what you believe – and even better. If you do not believe God, you still get what you believe – but even worse.
PRAYER: Prayer: Father, I believe! Increase my faith in You (Lk 17:5).
PROMISE: Promise: “Jesus then said in reply, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your wish will come to pass.’ ” –Mt 15:28
PRAISE: Praise: St. Teresa went from being a Jew, to a Catholic nun, to being a martyr for Jesus.