Author: Jesus - My Great Master

A Lovable Story

A Lovable Story A Flight Was Flying Through The Clouds. Suddenly, It Lost The Balance. …Everyone Started Shouting In Fear. But A Small Girl Kept Playing With Her Toy…. After An Hour,The Flight Was Landed Safely. A Man Asked The Small Girl, “How Could You Play With Your Toy When Everyone Was Afraid? “The Small Girl Smiled And Said , “My Dad Is The Pilot. I Knew He Will Land Me Safely! As the little girl trusts her father. Trust in the Lord with all your Heart. he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Be of good cheer because...

The Father’s Love

A country had a cruel practice sending every man who attains the age of seventy five year to the forest where he would spend the remaining years practicing meditation to attain salvation. An old man celebrated his 75th birthday and tearfully bid farewell to his family and left to the forest. His son accompanied him in the long and arduous journey to the forest. On their way the old man was carefully cutting down the thorny bushes on either side of the narrow path with a knife. Finally they reached the forest and while departing, the son asked him why...