Author: Jesus - My Great Master

Today, we pray for those on the verge of giving up

Lord Jesus, we bring to You those who have really reached the end of their tether. We pray for those of us who want to give up on their faith, church-going, family life, relationships, work, friendships, ministry and any other task entrusted to them. We lift each one of us today to Your Presence in a special way, for that anointing and grace which only You can give. Send us angels to help us, Lord. When we face harsh judgement, loneliness, illness and rejection, let us know that its not from You, but from the evil one. Help us to...

Workroom of God

A newly arrived soul in Heaven was met by St. Peter. The saint toured the soul around Heaven. Both of them walked side by side inside a large workroom filled with angels. St. Peter stopped in front of the first section and said, “This is the Receiving Section. Here, all the petitions to God said in prayer are received.” The soul looked at the section, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets from all the people of the world. They walked again until they reached the 2nd section, and St....

“நன்மைசெய்யவும், தானதர்மம்பண்ணவும் மறவாதிருங்கள்; இப்படிப்பட்ட பலிகளின்மேல் தேவன் பிரியமாயிருக்கிறார்”எபிரெயர் 13:16