“God sent forth His Son born of a woman, born under the law, to deliver from the law those who were subjected to it, so that we might receive our status as adopted sons.” –Galatians 4:4-5
Audio PlayerTo begin this new year, we thank God our Father for choosing to adopt us. This has turned us from slaves into heirs (Gal 4:7). Our alternative to adoption is slavery leading us “back into fear” (Rm 8:15). If we had not been adopted by God the Father, we would be slaves for our whole lives “through fear of death” (Heb 2:15). Being adopted by God the Father turns slavery into freedom, fear into security, deprivation into inheritance, despair into hope, misery into joy, and death into life.
Therefore, we praise our Father, Who “predestined us through Christ Jesus to be His adopted” children (Eph 1:5). After Jesus, the Son of God, became the Son of Mary, He saved us and made it possible for us to be adopted sons and daughters of the Father. The Spirit cries out in our hearts: “Abba” (“Father”) (Gal 4:6).
Rejoice in your Father’s love. Rejoice as adopted children of God. Happy New Year!
PRAYER: Father, on this world day of prayer for peace and justice, I pray for all “to be saved and come to know the truth” (1 Tm 2:4).
PROMISE: “The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” –Nm 6:24-26
PRAISE: Praise Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Mary!