“A second time Jesus laid hands on his eyes, and he saw perfectly.” –Mark 8:25
In today’s Gospel reading, it took a bit of extra time and a second prayer for the blind man to be fully healed. In tomorrow’s Gospel reading, we will see that St. Peter also needed some time to be fully formed. Through divine inspiration, Peter recognized that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God (Mk 8:29). Shortly afterwards, Peter showed that he still needed more growth, as he allowed the devil to speak through him (Mk 8:33).

In a few years, however, Peter was fully formed and ready to serve as the first pope, the head of the early Church. He was able to preach boldly in public, lead 3,000 people to faith in one day, and perform miraculous healings (Acts 2:14ff; 3:6-8; 5:15-16; 9:33-41).

Are you frustrated with people in your life who have no faith or are not growing in faith as you wish? Today’s readings offer you hope. God is gentle and patient. He forms His people with tender love. He is a divine Potter Who gently molds and transforms people (see Is 64:7; Jer 18:3ff). The Lord often works in hidden ways (Mk 4:23-27). Therefore, “trust in [God] at all times” (Ps 62:9) and never lose heart in prayer (Lk 18:1). Tell the Lord: “I do believe! Help my lack of trust!” (Mk 9:24)

PRAYER: Father, not my will but Yours be done (Lk 22:42). Help me to do my part in Your plan and never block Your action.
PROMISE: Be “slow to anger, for a man’s anger does not fulfill God’s justice.” –Jas 1:19-20
PRAISE: After dozens of failed attempts, Melanie despaired of ever being free of her addiction to cigarettes. She heard a priest mention in a homily to trust Jesus one more time. She put her trust in the Lord and received freedom from her addiction.

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