“How you have grown evil with age! Now have your past sins come to term.” –Daniel 13:52

There’s no fool like an old fool, and there’s no sinner like an old sinner. In an old sinner, sins are multiplied and developed, self-deception has become an art form, and the heart is not only hardened but almost fossilized. A case in point is the two old judges, who tried to commit adultery with Susanna and then lied to have her executed. These judges had:

• let beauty seduce them (Dn 13:56),
• subverted their consciences by lust (Dn 13:8-9, 56),
• committed adultery (Dn 13:57),
• passed unjust sentences (Dn 13:53),
• condemned the innocent (Dn 13:53), and
• freed the guilty (Dn 13:53).

It’s difficult to find a sin by itself. Sins come in large groups. It’s humanly impossible to stop at committing one sin. Sins are catalytic. They start chain-reactions, which start more chain-reactions, until they crash in repentance or damnation. Therefore:

• Resist all temptations, even if you have to shed your own blood (Heb 12:4).
• Repent immediately, before it’s too late (see Sir 18:21).
• Go to Confession at least monthly to prevent sin from escalating.
• Pray for the Lord to intervene in the lives of sinners, to do the impossible, and to lead us out of sin into repentance.

PRAYER: Father, make me a messenger of repentance and reconciliation (2 Cor 5:19-20).
PROMISE: “Jesus said, ‘Nor do I condemn you. You may go. But from now on, avoid this sin.’ ” –Jn 8:11
PRAISE: Jeremy has devoted his life to proclaiming the Church’s teaching on chastity and fidelity to the marriage covenant.

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