“That is why her many sins are forgiven – because of her great love.” –Luke 7:47

The penitent woman owed a large debt to God (Lk 7:43); she had committed “many sins” (Lk 7:47). Jesus “wrote off” her huge debt of sin; He forgave it all (Lk 7:42, 48). The woman’s response to being forgiven was a model for us all. She reformed her life, accepted the gift of saving faith (Lk 7:50), came directly to Jesus, and showered Him with love (Lk 7:45).

Jesus told a story about another grievous sinner who owed a “huge amount” of debt to the Lord because of all his sins (Mt 18:24). Again, God mercifully forgave this man completely and “wrote off the debt” of his sins (Mt 18:27). Here the similarity between these two great sinners stops. The man seemingly forgot all about the forgiveness he had received and “went out” (Mt 18:28) to resume his lifestyle of sin. He was handed over to be tortured (Mt 18:34).

Jesus “wrote off both debts. Which of them was more grateful to Him?” (Lk 7:42) How will you respond to Jesus and the forgiveness He has for you?

PRAYER: Father, may my heart overflow “in much gratitude to” You (2 Cor 9:12). I give You my life out of love for You.
PROMISE: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; prudent are all who live by it.” –Ps 111:10
PRAISE: St. Cornelius was persecuted for proclaiming the mercy and forgiveness of Christ to those who had fallen away, but later returned through repentance.

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