“What the sower is sowing is the word.” –Mark 4:14

In His parable of the sower, Jesus doesn’t mention anything about the farmer except that he “went out sowing” (Mk 4:3). However, we can conclude the following about the sower from Jesus’ parable:

  • “God’s word is living and effective” (Heb 4:12). The seed, that is, the Word of God (Mk 4:14), grew regardless of the skill and holiness of the farmer. God’s Word is far greater than those who sow it.
  • The only skill the farmer needed was to get out there in the field and put the seed out (see 2 Tm 4:2). Evangelists fail only when they keep the Word of God to themselves.
  • The farmer used the broadcast method of sowing, that is, he threw the seed everywhere. Likewise, we evangelists must spread God’s Word everywhere (see Mt 24:45). We must never filter out those people we think will not be receptive. Our efforts are never wasted, even if it seems so to us (see Is 49:4; 1 Cor 15:58).
  • In Jesus’ time, a good harvest was a seven-to eight-fold increase. A “thirty- and sixty- and a hundredfold” harvest (Mk 4:20) is miraculous. God’s Word does not return to Him void, but achieves His great purposes (Is 55:10-11).

What might look like barren ground to us who sow can be instantly changed by Jesus into good ground. So, sow!

PRAYER: Jesus, I love You. I dedicate myself to feeding Your sheep with Your Word (Jn 21:17).
PROMISE: “Their sins and their transgressions I will remember no more.” –Heb 10:17
PRAISE: Father John arises three hours before early morning Mass to listen to the Lord, pray, and prepare his heart to give Jesus to others in Word and Eucharist.

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