“There – anoint him, for this is he!” –1 Samuel 16:12

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Some of us are grieving. We are disappointed and listless. The Lord’s word to us is: “Fill your horn with oil, and be on your way” (1 Sm 16:1). Although we may be grieving, let’s not grieve the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:30). Rather, let’s say with Jesus: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore He has anointed me” (Lk 4:18). Let us receive a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and anoint others with the power of the Spirit.

Are you disappointed with your spouse, job, parish, government, etc.? Don’t just sit there spiritually paralyzed. You are Christians, followers of Christ, Whose name means “the Anointed One.” Let God’s anointing be renewed in your life. Then ask the Lord to show you someone you can anoint with the Holy Spirit. Maybe there is only one family member, parishioner, co-worker, or neighbor willing to receive your prayers for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Maybe several people are open to the Spirit, but the Lord leads you to reach out to only a certain one (see 1 Sm 16:7ff). As Samuel ministered the Spirit to David, Ananias to Saul (Acts 9:17ff), Peter to Cornelius (Acts 10:25ff), and Paul to twelve Ephesians (Acts 19:2ff), so follow the Lord’s lead and anoint someone with the Holy Spirit.

PRAYER: Father, as You anointed Jesus, anoint me with the Holy Spirit and power so I may go about doing good works and healing those in the grip of the devil (Acts 10:38).

PROMISE: “The Son of Man is Lord even of the sabbath.” –Mk 2:28

PRAISE: Joan received the Holy Spirit and passed on the anointing to her husband.

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