Chapter 19
But upon the ungodly there came to the end indignation without mercy;
For their future also God foreknew,
How that, having changed their minds to let your people go,
And having speeded them eagerly on their way,
They would repent themselves and pursue them.
For while they were yet in the midst of their mourning,
And making lamentation at the graves of the dead,
They drew upon themselves another counsel of folly,
And pursued as fugitives those whom with intreaties they had cast out.
For * Or, their desert by necessity was the doom which they deserved was drawing them Some authorities read to this at last. to this end,
And it made them forget the things that had befallen them,
That they might fill up the punishment which was yet lacking to their torments,
And that your people might Some authorities read make trial of. journey on by a marvelous road,
But they themselves might find a strange death.
For the whole creation, each part in its several kind, was fashioned again anew,
Ministering to your several commandments,
That your § Or, children servants might be guarded free from hurt.
Then the cloud that shadowed the camp was seen,
And dry land rising up out of what before was water,
Out of the Red sea an unhindered highway,
And a grassy plain out of the violent surge;
** Or, Through By which they passed over with all their hosts,
These that were covered with your hand,
Having seen strange marvels.
For like horses they roamed at large,
And they skipped about like lambs,
Praising you, O Lord, who was their deliverer.
10 For they still remembered the things that came to pass in the time of their sojourning,
How that instead of †† Or, birth of cattle bearing ‡‡ Gr. living creatures. cattle the land brought forth §§ Or, sandflies lice,
And instead of *** Gr. creatures of the waters. fish the river cast up a multitude of frogs.
11 But afterwards they saw also a new ††† Or, production Gr. generation. race of birds,
When, led on by desire, they asked for luxurious dainties;
12 For, to solace them, there came up for them quails from the sea.
13 And upon the sinners came the punishments
Not without the tokens that were given ‡‡‡ Some authorities omit beforehand. beforehand by the force of the thunders;
For justly did they suffer through their own wickednesses,
For §§§ Or, yet more grievous was grievous indeed was the hatred which they practised toward guests.
14  * The Greek text of this and the following verse is perhaps corrupt. For whereas the men of Sodom received not Gr. them who knew them not. the strangers when they came among them;
Gr. These. The Egyptians made slaves of guests who were their benefactors.
15 And not only so, but God shall § Or, visit them...sort: since the men of Sodom received...aliens visit ** Gr. them. the men of Sodom after another sort,
Since they received as enemies them that were aliens;
16 Whereas these first welcomed with feastings,
And then afflicted with dreadful toils,
Them that had already shared with them in the same rights.
17 And moreover they were stricken with loss of sight
(Even as were those others at the righteous man’s doors),
When, being compassed about with yawning darkness,
They sought every one the passage through his own door.
18 For as the notes of a lute vary the character of the rhythm,
Even so did the elements, changing their order one with another,
Continuing always the same, each in its several sound;
As may clearly be †† Gr. conjectured. divined from the sight of the things that are come to pass.
19 For creatures of the dry land were turned into creatures of the waters,
And creatures that swim trode now upon the earth:
20 Fire kept the mastery of its own power in the midst of water,
And water forgat its quenching nature:
21 Contrariwise, flames wasted not the flesh of perishable creatures that walked among them;
Neither ‡‡ The Greek authorities read could be melted. The Latin seems to have preserved the original Greek text. melted they the §§ Gr. ice-like kind. ice-like grains of ambrosial food, that were of nature apt to melt.
22 For in all things, O Lord, you did magnify your people,
And you did glorify them and not lightly regard them;
Standing by their side in every time and place.